Elizabeth Siderakis
Executive Vice President: Hospice & Palliative Care Buffalo
Vice Chairman
Chris Klimecko
Retired CEO, 8th District Dental Society
Vice Chair
Brenda Calhoun
President: Onyx Global Group
Cheryl A. Jankowski, CPA
Partner: Lumsden & McCormick, LLP
Jack Leo
Retired: Praxair, Inc.
Mark Cook
Sr. Vice President Marketing: M & T Bank
Se'Vaughn Herrera, LMSW
Discrimination Investigator
NYS Governor's Office of Employee Relations:
Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo
Michael F. Noe, MD, MPH
Retired: Associate Dean, Community Relations & Clinical Affairs
School of Public Health, State University of NY at Buffalo
Joseph Somma
Retired: Director of Market Intelligence & ACA Implementation
Independent Health
Alison Romanowski
Attorney/CPA: Alliance Construction of WNY, Inc.
Ana L. Stearns, MD
Managing Consultant, Healthcare and Value-Based
Transformational Intelligence
Linda Tatu
Co-Founder: Harvest House
Carl Thomas
Retired: Chief, Organizational & Community Liaison, Facilities Management: Roswell Park
Greg Thomas
Retired: Spectrum​
Katherine (Kat) Tyler
Owner: EM Tea Coffee Cup
emteacoffeecup@gmail. com
Donald Wach
Business & Operations Manager
SS Peter & Paul RC Church, Hamburg
Ex Officio:
Carol Murphy
Chief Executive Officer, Harvest House Buffalo